Ok, so this post is way overdue, (and therefore will be far too long...sorry in advance) but I am determined to be better about this whole blogging thing from here on out. We have been here in New York for 2 months now and I can't believe how much Corbin has changed and grown just since we left Utah. And there is so much we have been able to go and do since we have been here. I need to be better about updating so all our friends and family, where ever they may be, can know the goings on of our little life WAY out here in New York.
First things first...we actually really love New York. It is so green...trees everywhere. I can't wait until the fall and all the leaves start changing. It is going to be beautiful! There are lots of lakes and hiking trails nearby and it is close to so many cool places.
Trees, trees and more trees...and the Hudson River

One of the many lakes nearby

Look closely and you can see a little doe we found while out walking a trail

A pond in a park near our apartment

A pretty waterfall we found while hiking

So as you can see, lots of beauty all around and we are really enjoying it. Very different from the Utah desert.
Casey is really enjoying his job so far and loves being part of the working world...thrilled to finally be done with school. He is working a 9/80 schedule (which means he works 80 hours in 9 days so he gets every other Friday off) until we leave for Charleston in December. We have been trying to make the most of our time here before we have to leave so when Casey has a Friday off we have been trying to go on little mini trips and see some of the cool places close by.
We made a quick day trip to Boston...
The Boston Temple

The three of us in front of a statue of Paul Revere in downtown Boston

We went to Palmyra and were able go to all the church history sites and see the Hill Cumorah Pageant...
Corbin and I in the Sacred Grove near the 'Witness Tree'

The Smith Farm

The Palmyra Temple as seen from the road between the two Smith homes, near the Sacred Grove

We spent a weekend hiking the Adirondack mountains nearby...
Corbin loving his ride on Daddy's shoulders

The view from the top

Corbin having lunch

Happy hikin' boy

At the end of our hiking trip

Those are the highlights so far, but we have lots of plans for the upcoming months.
As for everything else Corbin is 10 months old now and I can't believe what a little boy he has become. He isn't my little baby anymore. He is crawling and cruising like a champ and loves to be on his feet all the time. He loves looking at pictures of himself, books, the bathroom (for some weird reason), the fridge (??), and anything and everything edible. I have yet to find something the boy won't eat. As for me, I adore getting to be a stay at home mom and truly feel so blessed that I get to spend all of my time with my sweet little boy. I mean...who wouldn't want to spend all day every day with this face...