Sunday, November 21, 2010

New York City!

So I seriously have the world's greatest best friend!! Sorry for the rest of you that don't have her as your best friend because she honestly takes the cake. (And it just so happens to be her birthday this very Happy Birthday to you my friend!!) A couple of months ago she flew out to New York just to visit me for a week. I had really been missing home and feeling awfully lonely all the way out here so far from everyone, so her visit couldn't have come at a better time. She put up with my boring life, brought me some new killer music, gave me an excuse to eat massive amounts of raw cookie dough and helped take care of Corbin so I could do simple things like get a hair cut (which seems to be so hard to find time for once you have a tag along with you 24/7). But we did get to break away and head down to the city for the weekend. Casey was good enough to let us have our girl's weekend and Corbin got to have a boy's weekend with his Daddy.

The trip was eventful to say the least but we had an awesome time ignoring the street vendors, waiting in long lines, attempting to figure out the subway system, getting lost in Queen's at night, and eating WAY too much!

Time Square-

Here we are on our rickshaw ready for our tour of Central Park-

Us in front of the "Friends" looks a lot smaller in person-

Our rickshaw driver (who was taking the picture) told us to jump at the same time...he even counted to three for us and everything...but for some reason we just couldn't get it...-

Here we are on top of the Empire's State Building-

The view from the top-

They were doing construction on some of the subway lines so they weren't running like normal. You had to get off and transfer and all kinds of crazy stuff. We had a bit of a hard time figuring it all out. We did get a little suspicious that we had made the wrong move by staying on the train when EVERYONE got off and left us on a completely empty subway car :)...good times!

Dazed and confused all alone on the subway-

Sadly, right after this last photo my camera battery died...leaving the rest of the trip to be documented by a lame disposable camera. :( but much more fun was had I assure you. It was so great to have my friend here and we had a fantastic week! Thanks again are the best!


  1. How fun! I don't know your friend. Must have met after college? What a great friend to come out and see you. I hope you are making new friends. Staying home with the "tag-a-long" (love that term:) is a huge adjustment. Miss you!

    1. An inspirational story of vulnerability and overcoming adversity
      thanks for having the courage to share

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      All the best
      for the future
